United States of America

  America is the third largest country in the world with a population of 325 million. The country has developed from its native American roots following a series of waves of immigration and has drawn in people from all over the world.  As a result it is one of the most culturally diverse places in the world, often described as a ‘melting pot’. In such a vast country it is virtually impossible to describe a ‘typical’ American. Culture:- Hard work is regarded as one of the core values of America and many employment contracts include much lower vacation time than would be offered by most European employers. New employees often get two weeks’ vacation initially and can then build additional weeks based on longevity with the company. Americans have a reputation for being outgoing and direct talking and this can take a little getting used to for those from countries where people are more reserved.  They are often very sociable and will readily welcome people into their homes. I...

United Kingdom


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (also known simply as the UK) is a country including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of these constituent nations have distinct national identities. They are united under the same monarch and government, although each have their own parliaments or assemblies to make their own laws. The people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also speak the same language, use the same currency, have similar laws and policies, share media outlets and are subjects of the same Royal Family. That being said, many customs and social expectations vary between nations.


Culture of the United Kingdom:-

United Kingdom is popular for its great cultural inheritance. UK is a composition of four countries - England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.There's a big tradition in our arts that attempts to question and challenge authority.

Even in the language, there's a playful attitude - puns, irony, sarcasm. We like one thing to mean a lot. Musically, it's where a lot of innovation happens - new forms, experiments.

The culture of England varied from other countries of the UK and in that it is much harder to identify culture that is specifically English rather than British. This can be seen in some of the responses given which range from Morris Dancing (distinctly English) through to attitudes and activities that could relate to anywhere in the UK and probably many other countries - for example a love of eating out but an over reliance on junk food! Food and cuisines of England also influences the England culture to great extent and also it includes art of England, history, literature, Religion and music of England.


The main language in the UK is English, which is spoken throughout the whole country. In Wales, some people still speak Welsh. However, since all Welsh people also speak English, you only need to speak English in the UK. For such a relatively small country, there are a lot of dialects, and some of them can be hard to understand, even for English people.


Many of the world's famous sports began in Britain, including cricket, football, lawn tennis, golf and rugby

England's national sport is cricket although to many people football (soccer) is seen as our national sport. Football is our most popular sport. Some of England's football teams are world famous, the most famous being Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool.

Sports are a very popular activity among Brits. Clearly, the Football (or Soccer as referred by Americans) is the British top favorite sport. This normally would be expected because the UK is where the modern Football has begun.

The second most favorite sports of Brits is Rugby. A long time ago this sport was associated with the elite, but later it became widespread. Today, there are two leagues of Rugby in UK.
Brits also like swimming, Cricket, Tennis, Boxing and so on.


The UK's official religion is Christianity, and churches of all denominations can be found throughout the UK, such as Catholic, Protestant, Baptist and Methodist. The main other religions are Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.

However, England is a multi-cultural, multi-faith society, made up of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs and people of other faiths and none. This December 2012 article (Religion in England and Wales: 2011), published by the Office for National Statistics and based on information from the census conducted in March 2011, provides a snapshot of religious affiliations in England and Wales.


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